Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Take care of a fish aquarium

How to condition water

Fish of all sorts expect a pH measurement of acid and/or base water. The common pH level is typically 6.5 and no higher than 7.5. Water types include saltwater, alkalinity, hardness, soft water, and so on. Alkalinity water is measured buffers, which its capacity is based on test results conducted from water. Alkalinity is a choice for many fish, since it will regulate pH balance, thus preventing the balance to drop. With this in mind, you can add buffers to regulate alkalinity as well.

Hard water is based on the amount of minerals, which is often unregulated. The reason is that soft water lacks the ability to produce dissolved minerals, while water softened by machines does not supply a variety of minerals. For this purpose, most aquarium and fish owners will purchase water treatments, while using ordinary tap water to fill the tank.

Water treatments
Water treatments include NH3, NO2, and NO3. The symbols represent chemical based formulas, which define ammonia. For instance, the second symbol represents nitrites, while the third symbol represents nitrates. The first symbol represents ammonia. If you are a starter, you should use test kits to test the waters prior to putting your fish into the tank. The kits provide you tools that will show results of ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, chlorine, and related chemical buildup. Keep in mind that fish naturally produce ammonia via waste, which turns to nitrites. Testing should be conducted during tank cycle. Since, tap water is laced with chlorine and chloramines you want to have water treatments on hand. Fish, unlike people cannot live as long while drinking chlorine/chloramines based waters. Water supplies often include hypochlorite, which is used to disinfect polluted waters and to provide fresh drinking water for humans only.

Some people believe that salt should be added to all fish tanks.
Facts: salt is not beneficial in all instances, and nor is it necessary to add to all fish tanks. However, some tropical fish find it useful to relieve stress.

Back to water treatments
The types of water treatments include the decholorinator-based solutions. Decholorinator are ideal to purify water, cleansing it of chloramines, yet the treatment will discharge ammonias.

Therefore, before you purchase water treatments, the first thing you will need to do is know what is in your tap water. You can call your locate water company to find out what the water contains. Let the company know that you are housing aquarium fish, so that these people will take interest in your needs. Otherwise, the company may take offense, wondering who you are.

Tap water likely will include chloramines, copper, chlorine, metal, phosphates, and sometimes will include TCE. (Trichloroethylene)

Tap water advice;
When filling your tank with Water you can let the water run from the tap five minutes to purify the water, as well you can let the water stand overnight to remove additional chemicals.

If your tap water only includes chlorinate you can use water treatments, such as the sodium based thiosulphate dechlorinators. However, if you have additional chemicals in your water you want to speak with your local pet store operators to find out which additives are best suited for removing all types of chemicals. It is wise to ask about the best water treatments as well for the local pet store.

Additional tips:
In addition to your aquarium and fish, you will need hose, bucket, nets, etc to clean your tank. You can take up inexpensive products online, or at local nature-based stores. In addition, to learn more about water treatments visit the Internet to search through a variety of products.

About the Author: John Ugoshowa. For more information about Aquariums and fish care see the art aquarium and fish care section of The Free Ad Forum at:

Monday, April 30, 2007

What Do You Know About Fish Tank Care

Having an aquarium can be a source of great joy and satisfaction. People who have fish as pet find that they feel calmer and happier when they watch the aquarium. Fish make really great pets, and do not make hardly any demands on your time or any other resource. This is why they are considered favorite pets in millions of houses.

Some Facts and Myths about Fish Tank Care

There are many myths surrounding the setting up and maintaining of the fish tank care. Let us look into some of them:

Myth – you need to remove the fish from the aquarium before washing it or changing the water.
Truth – the fish are actually stressed terribly when displaced from their environment, specifically after being chased and caught in nets.

Myth – Changing the gravel is the best way of having it cleaned or washing it under the tap water.
Truth – changing of gravel will actually harm the fish, as with time the gravel will house friendly bacteria that help in clearing the fish waste, which in the long run will actually poison your fish.

Myth – you need to wash the tank as often as you can;
Truth – you should actually wash as rarely as possible, because the longer you leave the system by itself, the better the system works. You should have good filters attached to it and ensure that the water is oxygenated well.

Myth – you should replace all the water from the tank and replace it fully with new water every time you wash the tank;
Truth – you should actually replace only 20-25% of the water, otherwise you will create an imbalance in the system and harm your fish.

Myth – you should abundantly feed your fish if you will be missing for a few days from the house;
Truth – you should never overfeed your fish; this will not only cloud and pollute the water it will tempt the fish to overeat and kill them.

What Plants Do in a Fish Tank?

Live plants are an essential presence in every aquarium for many reasons. First, they add a natural and attractive look to the aquarium, and secondly, they provide the pet fish with a natural source of food. Presence of live plants reduces the growth of algae in the fish tank, but most importantly, live plants produce oxygen through photosynthesis and continuously add it to the water for the fish to breathe. Also, plants absorb wastes of the fish like exhaled carbon dioxide and ammonia; if allowed to accumulate in the tank water it can be hazardous for the fish’s health.

Keeping a Healthy Aquarium with Plants

Certain considerations need to be taken into account when letting live plants inhabit your home aquarium. The following points are important to consider:

Only select those species of plants for your fish tank that can stay healthy while completely submerged. Make sure the plants you select are able to survive well in the existing lighting conditions and chemical nature of the tank water; most plants are suited to live in pH values 6.5-7.5. Also, check about the suitable temperature range for the plants you select. Certain plant types, like sagittaria, are fast growing and tolerant of even hard water; thus, they are ideal for the first inhabitants of the fish tank. More sensitive plants can be added later for keeping diversity and giving the aquarium a natural lush and attractive look. For visual effects, you can use a combination of plants of varying sizes so as to impart an impression of depth and contrast. Red plants, like ludwigia, bring a beautiful contrast against the natural green of other species. Plants with tall stems and those bearing adventitious roots need regular pruning so as to keep the other plants healthy against their overshadowing effects.

Fish tank care is something you learn with practice. The aquarium will become a proper self-sustaining system, which will need to be nurtured to stay so; in this case, fish tank care will not involve cleaning, as much as maintaining the right balance of this system. With time, and if your fish tank care is okay, you will need to wash and/or maintain the tank very rarely because the system itself will take care of itself, just like in the nature.

By: Michael Saville

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For more information about fish tank care visit

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Efficient Care Requirements For Aquarium Fish

You need not to purchase the most expensive kinds of fish just to set up the best aquarium. This can be luxurious already. What you need to know is the proper way of maintaining your aquarium to make it pleasing to the eyes at all times.

Besides all other aquarium supplies, the fish is the most important. It cannot be called an aquarium without the species that will swim into it. This can come in varying types depending on the aquarium you put up.

Aquarium fish can be purchased in extraordinary color patterns. It comes in red, white, green, purple and even blue. In most cases, the male fish has brighter color and longer fins than the female fish. Typically, the more vibrant is the better because it can add appeal inside the aquarium.

There is a specific lifespan for the fish. However, it can be changed through your maintenance. There are times that fish has longer lifespan but due to your negligence, it can be shorten to months instead of years. This will just be a waste of money so better to take note of this factor.

Below are some reminders for proficient care of your aquarium fish:

1. Have regular check for the unnecessary things that may fall into the aquarium.

Cleanliness is very essential for your maintenance. This will not concern the pleasing appeal of the aquarium alone but most particularly the health of the species residing in the habitat. You can use filtration supply on this matter. Cleaning habit can be done weekly or you can do it gradually if you see some falling food remains at the top of the aquarium.

2. Beware from buying aggressive species.

Peaceful types of fish are more advisable because aggressive specie can affect the entire habitat. One can kill the other. Prevent this scenario to happen because you can probably end up with your aquarium to nothing.

3. Do not overfeed the aquarium fish.

Some fish are only required to be fed once a day although others are for twice. Overfeeding is not helpful nor will it make your fish grow larger instantly. Many cases have shown that it can cause death to your fish.

4. When changing the water, add product that will remove chlorine in the water.

Chlorine can be toxicant for your fish. You can purchase products from pet stores in order to eliminate the amount of chlorine in the water.

If you care for your fish, then better follow the advice that will cater your aquarium fish needs.

By: Low Jeremy -

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This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on aquariums, how to maintain, the basics of owning one, please visit

Aquarium and Tropical Freshwater Fish Care

Angelfish include the freshwater Three-Spot. The fish lists under the Holacanthus Trimaculatus category and is a family to the Trimaculatus group. Angelfish are some of the prettiest tropical fish, which have dark blue lips that offset a golden-yellow body. The three-spot angelfish comes from the West Pacific oceans, as well as the Indian oceans. The fish is shaped similar to the butterfly fish, which its gills are covered by his spine. The throat of this fish is also dark blue, which sometimes the body colors are orange-yellow, gold, etc. The specie got its name from its two upper dark patches, and the colors at the edges of his gill-covered flaps. The colors at the top of the Angelfishes head is another reason the fish got his name.

The outer edges of the anal fin spotted on Angelfish are black, while the internal area is white. The fish grows up to 10 inches in size. The Three-Spot Angelfish prefers to live in water conditions compared to that of the butterfly fish. It feeds off plants, larvae, small creatures, and so on. Biologically this fish has a nature that will adapt to social gatherings, yet it is recommended that the angelfish reside in his own habit.

Sphaeramia nematoptera includes the Pajama Cardinal Fish. This fish is a family to the Apogonidae. Pajama Cardinal Fish originated from China Seas, as well as the Indo-Australian seas. Pajama Cardinal Fish prefers to live in shaded areas, which the water temperature should be set at 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The water should have pH8 balance. Pajama Cardinal Fish do not prefer brilliant lights, as well the fish prefer to live in furnished housing. Pajama Cardinal Fish enjoys hiding, so set up surpluses of concealment areas. The water density should range at 1.0 25. The Pajama Cardinal Fish prefers to feed on smaller fish, crustaceans, and large planktons. This is a highly predatorily fish. Pajama Cardinal Fish has a variety of colors. The fish is described as short, yet it has a deep body shape. The dorsal fins are widely divided. The fish has distinctive thread like dorsal, which is offset by a large head. The fish has a big mouth and large eyes as well. Pajama Cardinal Fish have yellowish brown features, which various parts of his body have aiding colors, such as orange, or reddish brown.

Here is some photos of cardinal fishes:

Its Pajama Cardinal Fish:

Biologically this fish is natured to dwell in peaceable areas, and has the ability to learn. The fish prefers to dwell in compatible housing as well. You should house the Pajama Cardinal Fish with in school fish.

The Yellow-Tailed Anemone fish come from the Amphiprion Clarkii group, and is family to the Pomacentridae. The fish usually resides near the bottom of tanks, which the fish demands that you house them with compatible kin. His social life demand anemone:

Pajama Cardinal Fish will eat prepared and live foodstuffs. The fish comes from the Eastern areas of Africa and Sumatra. The Pajama Cardinal Fish is a good-looking yellow, white, dark brown, black colored fish. Pajama Cardinal Fish grows up to 5 inches in size.

Frogfish come from the Antennariuus Spp. Group and the family of Anennaridae. The fish resides in warm seawater. His behavior patterns are territorial, which the fish requires compatible company. It is recommended that you keep the fish with larger kin, who have peaceable natures. NOTE: The recommendation mentioned in this article should be considered closely, since this fish will capture and feast on fish, including fishes that are larger than his own size.

Its a frogfish:

About the Author: John Ugoshowa. For more information about Aquariums and fish care see the art aquarium and fish care section of The Free Ad Forum at: